Seeking truth 心的挣扎 (7) 浮名 Bubble reputation

但 自 在 脱 就 却 不 这 已 浪 
是 由 蓝 了 像 无 愿 是 不 迹
无 一 蓝 线 一 处 归 一 属 天
目 一 的 的 支 归 还 群 于 涯
的 一 天 风 支 宿 一 忘 中 的
地 一 上 筝 一 的 一 却 国 中
飞 一 一 一 一 群 一 来 一 国
翔 一 一 一 一 体 一 处 一 人
不归人 (A person who will not return)


财富、 权力、 名誉、 情欲、 食欲、 感情、 成就、 知识、 爱好是人生的 menu。 然而, 每一种选择又似是云雾般虚幻。

如果我们依据每一个人在这些选择上得到的多少,来评议一个人的成功, 它们就像是飘过天空的一片片云朵, 有的大, 有的小, 有的像马, 有的像树.......。


人们不能接受他的生命会完全消灭, 他的历史会完全被忘记的事实。他们将他们的经历和评议写了下来,放在图书馆中,希望后来人读它,记起他们。



Bubble reputation means nothing
I rather spend my life with sky cloud

Wealth, power, fame, just, appetite, affection, achievement, knowledge, hobbies all consist the menu of life. However, each option looks like a misty illusion.

If we judge a person being successful or not, based on the gains that he has received from the options that he had chosen, then you will find that as if those choices are pieces of clouds flying by in the sky, they are big or small in size, looking like horses or trees in shape.

These comments also look like clouds which slowly drift in between the sky and sea.

People can't accept that his life would entirely disappear, the fact that his history would be completely forgotten. They wrote down their experiences and judgments, putting in the library, and hope that people in the future time can read them and remember them.

But as time goes by, more and more human history and books have been accumulated, but how many people in the future will want to waste their time in the shabby papers and old essays which look as if a bottomless sea。

Moreover, how could these de facto hieroglyphic symbols awake the lost smoke and clouds?

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