1. 沙漠中的清泉---------------------------------------- Spring Water in Desert
2. 旧年陈事--------------------------------------------- Old story
3. 大雁---------------------------------------------------Wild goose
4. 偷苹果记----------------------------------------------Stealing an apple story
5.与中国女子网球冠军开战──童年回忆之一--------One of the childhood memory making war with Chinese woman tennis ball champion
6.无奈最是落红时---------------------------------------The saddest time is the seeing of red leaf falling
7.在异国它乡的路上遇到陌生的中国人---------------Come across strange Chinese on the way in the foreign country
8.我爱美国━━高速公路惊魂记 ---------------------- I love USA
9.埋在心中三十年的疑问 ------------------------------ Bury question for 30 years in heart
10.美国是个讲理的国家 ------------------------------- America is a polite country
11.送别共产分子 --------------------------------------- Say bye to Communist worker
12.由两件小事去理解中东民族的困惑 --------------- From two pieces, minor matter goes to understand Middle East nation puzzle
13.CRUISE 拾零 ---------------------------------------- Cruise piece
14.中国人恨战友,同事,家人,叛徒,朋友超过敌人-Chinese hates a battle companion , the colleague , family , betrayer , friend exceed an enemy
15. 网上寻趣- 兼谈我爱不爱国 ------------------------ Look for interest on the net- annexing to talk about me whether loving self's country or not
16. 共产党的恐造反症和恐法轮功症 ----------------- Communist fearing rebels and Fa Lun Gong
17. 西山的牛马羊鹿和东山的猴子 --2009年元旦献文 The west mountain beasts of burden and the east mountain monkey
18. 风烛残年话悲哀 -------------------------------------The decline of life words sorrow
19. 再见了,被官欲官势官斗笼罩的故乡 -------------Good-bye , my hometown which is full of official desire, official influence and official fighting
20 母亲走了 ---------------------------------------------Mother is gone
21 抓五毛记 ---------------------------------------------Story of scratching fifty cents
22 致独评网友的告别话 --------------------------------Say buy to DUPING
23 领着三条雪花狗的女人和对美国女性的好奇------A lady with three dogs
24 何频老板,你还能挺多久?--------------------------Boss how long you can stand?
25 读者部分反馈 ----------------------------------------Some feedback from readers
26 季羡林是国学大师还是浪得虚名 --------------------Is Ji Xian Lin that the studies of Chinese ancient civilization great master?
27 中国的什么让我怀念 -------------------------------What made me miss China
28 西山的牛马羊鹿和东山的猴子(续一) -------------The west mountain beasts of burden and the east mountain monkey(continue 1)
29 女儿的日本房子(夏威夷归来之三) ----------------Daughter's Japan house
30 与贝博一起欣赏高行健的性描写 ------------------Together with Bebb to appreciate Gao Xingjian's Sex description
31 看孩子 ------------------------------------------------Look child
32 本.赫勒代先生和他的家庭 -------------------------Ben Holladay
33 残忍的中国社会 ------------------------------------Cruel Chinese society
34 答芦笛兄 ------------------------------------Answer Mr. Luo
35 声音大战 ------------------------------------War of Sound
36 悼李大勇 ------------------------------------Say by to Mr. Li
37 可爱又可怜的芦笛 ------------------------------ Lovely Lu
38 樱桃牙医生 ------------------------------ DR.Cherry
39 民国的知识分子和中共毛泽东时的知识分子和现在的知识分子 -------- Three man
40 习主席能不能流芳百世?--------Could President Xie be remembered in future China?
41 从黄昏夕阳走向满天星空-----------------from dust to night sky
42 吃的人生-------------------------- Eating World 试试。
Waiting for new development