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扎、不平、愤怒、悲伤, 哀愁、希望、等待、有时候甚至是在仇恨之中。也有时候
绪。生活中的很多小事情让我感动,美国人叫做TOUCH,但似乎都不到MOVE 的程度。
但要整个房子,而且还要分一半我的401K 钱。
九月搬出房子,与她工作刚调到本市的儿子合住,将沉重的MORTGAGE 和房税丢给我
一个人。同时又请了连续十八年列名为美国最好律师的POOLE 女士代表她。POOLE
事情是从一个人出现在我的生活中开始的,他就是代乌先生(MR.DAVE COLE)。代乌
基督精神。正是在这种精神的启发和鼓励下,在代乌先生的帮助下,我与POOLE 女
士进行了非常好的沟通,使她慢慢知道了这个离婚的全貌和实质。现在POOLE 女士
这是我的儿子,吕斯(REESE )。
看到我一脸茫然, 他解释说:
掌握这种像我这样对宗教理论已经知道得不少的人,常常跑题。 每次学习,本.赫
下一本杂志, 里面正是回答我的问题,他给了传教士孩子,让他们念了后,本.赫
勒代先生非常有礼貌和诚恳地问我“这是不是回答了你的问题?” 对于我的各种
我感到快乐了, 因为和这个朋友说话是这么容易,你不用做任何解释,也不用说谎
翻小人书,…… 简直是一幅八仙过海图。台上的讲话也不断被时而爆发的孩子叫声,
盾,意见和冲突,而这些矛盾, 意见和冲突往往都是鸡毛蒜皮的事情,稍稍沟通就
生是我的邻居,他和他的太太婉蒂(WENDY) 早就知道我与AVA分开的事情,但是在几
头一次是他大女儿金娜(JENNA )的排球队与另外一个学校比赛。本.赫勒代先生不
那场球,金娜打得不好,上场不久就给教练换下来了。 本.赫勒代先生似乎很在意,
以后我又参加了不少他的家庭活动,有一次去他女儿的音乐会是在RALEIGH 的正式
女青年的各种创作,包括绘画、编织、写作、手工品、玩具、食品等等, 根据信心、
先生记在心里,两周内我就收到 本.赫勒代先生从盐湖城教会总部要来的关于这套
活动的中文书籍。 现在我的家中放着中文的圣经,杂志,和约翰斯密斯的传记等等,
吕斯出现在我面前,说hi, jian,我正奇怪他从哪里冒出来的时候,发现远远地
遗憾的时候,一起来学习的john 叫了起来,
什么!一个人在家里过感恩节?美国人说这是在地狱(hell ),上我家中来吧。他当
即写下了我email 地址,回家后将他家的地址和路线详细的送给了我。
可是在感恩节的前一天,我突然受到john 的电话,他遇到了非常特别的事情,感恩
可能已经在去费城的半路上了。过了一会儿我又受到代乌先生的email ,问我今天
从哪里问起? 就试探地说,要全身麻醉?他说,是的,十七号做手术,然后在医院
观察一天,情况正常的话,十九号就回来了。我鼓着勇气问是什么手术? 这时候我
将头转过去看着开车的本.赫勒代先生,月光正透过车玻璃, 照在他半边的脸上,
我听着如此惊愕,可以说是shock ,沉入了巨大的情绪混乱之中,我不知自己是敬
佩,是担心,是羞愧,还是什么感情? 我只觉得我的眼前浮出了他的可爱的妻子的
你得到了你妻子孩子的同意了吗? 我非常奇怪自己为什么会问出这样的问题。本.
是一个非常好的人。我问本.赫勒代先生,他在我们教堂里吗? 他说,不,他在另
琴,噶瑞奏中号,女儿金娜奏长笛。我与本.赫勒代先生坐在一起, 本.赫勒代先
“谢谢你,jian,自你上几个星期中变成我们家庭中的一部分后 我感到非常好,我
十二月十七日我不断在为本.赫勒代先生祷告,当日夜间十点多,收到 婉蒂写给关
赫勒代先生家的窗口漆黑漆黑的,一个灯都没有亮, 婉蒂、噶瑞、金娜、菊色利、
上, 一个灯火辉煌的吊满各种装饰的圣诞树正从窗口投射出来,他们的院子中,五
颜六色的圣诞灯闪闪发光,在院子的前面, 一个用白色灯光做成的一个小鹿正拖
家庭对我是最重要的,我相信我死了, 上帝审判我的时候, 问我的第一个问题一
坐在他们全家的旁边做礼拜。这个礼拜的安排是任何人都可以上去做见证, 大约
婉蒂在台上的时候, 大部分在流泪,她没有说一句丈夫捐肾的事情。
In recent years, I have almost forgotten the passion of moving. Many years
ago when I was in a Chinese labor camp and lived at the very bottom of
Chinese' s society, I had been moved by some poor people who ignored the
warnings of the government and showed me sympathy and provided me the help.
After released from the camp, re-entered the normal society of China, I have
been struggling with the feelings of injustice, anger, sadness, sorrow, hope,
waiting, even hatred. The only emotion I did not have was the moving.
When I first entered the American society, the friendliness and openness
of American culture began to revive the sight of my emotions, and I have
touched by many little things around me. However, still I was not deeply
moved within. Furthermore, as I gradually adapted to the lives of American
society, deep and heartfelt feelings became less and less, and finally almost
disappeared. However, since I have seen Mr. Ben Holladay recently, I have
been moved by his integrity and dedication to his belief. It made me stop
all things I was doing, anxiously to speak out of this story.
This is what I am going to tell next, the story of Ben Holladay and his
2009 was a tragedy of years to me. My wife who has lived with me for seven
years left me. To a retirement, completely rely on social security insurance,
nearly seventy years old, with diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood
pressure man, this is a devastating blow. Moreover, my wife said U.S. law is
an umbrella of the woman, so she does not only want to get the whole house,
but also to get half of my 401K money, which lead me to a horrible situation.
Then many "good heart" Chinese appeared. They seemed to help me:
"Give her house, it may help you to keep your pension "
The house is worth about two hundred and forty thousand. I took most of
my income to pay additional to the mortgage at last seven years, so currently
it is only fifty thousand dollars left. Giving the house to her, where am
I going to stay? My meager Social Security payments might barely pay the
rental fee for an apartment. Under the pressure of my wife, ǒpersuadeō of
the Chinese guy here, my defense line near collapsed. I was especially afraid
my wife hiring a lawyer, because the high U.S. attorney charge made me scared.
I was down to the degree as long as my wife agreed not to hire an attorney
and give me little moving expenses. I would move out and leave the house
to her. However, it seems my wife's desire far more than this. She rejected
my suggestion and moved out in September to live with her son who just
moved to Cary for job change, which left the full mortgage payment and the
housing property tax to me and my wife think this heavy fee would make me
yield. At the same time, she hired an expensive lawyer, Ms Poole, who was
in the list of America's best lawyer for eighteen years. The first letter
Ms Poole gave me is exceptionally strong, and she almost ordered me to move
out the house within two weeks, so that Ava and her son could live; otherwise,
I will be charged by the crime reason of beating wife.
The Thanksgiving and Christmas of 2009, I stayed in the house alone, with
fear and sorrow. There was no one remembering me or greeting me. The whole
world seems to have forgotten me, an elderly, sick man.
However, I do not know there was a person who did not forget me. Somehow
he was stretching out a helping hand to me, and I also did not know where
he started and when he began, He is God.
Things might arise from a person appear in my life, he is Mr. Dave Cole.
Dave is a financial broker. He was originally to visit me for discussing
a retirement wealth plan. I did not know how is it, when he knew I was in
divorce, he began to care about my divorce more than the business of
financial planning. We have become close friends.
At beginning, Dave thought it was absurd for my decision of not hiring
a lawyer, and he was worrying I would be cheating without law knowledge,
but when he knew I could not afford a lawyer, then he stopped advising me
to hire an attorney, but encouraged me and help me. I have started to learn
US law of divorce, and finally slowly realize it is a prejudice to consider
US divorce law is an umbrella of a woman. As a matter as fact, it reflects
a Christian love spirit and stress to help the weak and poor side. In this
understanding of inspiration and encouragement, and with the help of Mr.
Dave, I had a remarkably clear communication and dialogue with Ms Poole,
so that she slowly saw that what the whole picture of this divorce is. Right
now Ms. Poole has withdrawn the lawsuit. I am full of respect for her
When the aggressive action of my wife has been resisted, I could relieve
myself for minutes, Mr. Dave asked me a question. He said:
Jian, do not be discouraged, the future is still bright. You may then find
a decent Chinese woman recreate a happy marriage.
It was in the car. Dave was driving. I said:
I will not marry again. Especially I will not marry with a Chinese woman.
Thought for a moment, said Mr. Dave:
There is a dangerous trend for your life. One cannot become a recluse.
See my puzzled expression, Mr. Dave said:
Do you know the meaning of a recluse?
I said no.
He said a recluse means a person who isolated from society and no
connections with anyone.
The conversation led Dave's determination to help me into his religion.
Church is not new to me. I've been different churches several times. I also
understand the difference among various Christian types, but no church has
kept me long. Even in my divorce proceedings began, I've been a Chinese
church. When I found people status is highly depended on one's position
there, knowing I was in divorce, I immediately was put into dwarf groups,
I stopped going. There is no mercy and love, but interest in the judgement
of people's value and the way he should be treated equivalent to that value.
It was a noon. There was a knock at my door, which is rare. The knocking
was from my neighbor, Mr. Ben Holladay.
As the starting, Mr. Ben Holladay solemnly introduced a boy who is around
four years old,
This is my son REESE.
Reese was standing there waiting for my seriousness response.
Seeing me bewildered, Ben explained:
Mr. Dave said you might be interested to go to church, based on home area
you belong to our church.
I said, yes, Dave mentioned this matter to me. Dave is my honorable friend,
I respect him very much.
Then Mr. Ben Holladay said if you are interested, the service starts at
eleven o'clock on Sunday.
I asked him if we go together. He said he was going early. There are many
things need him to do. He gave me the address, said finding him when
getting there.
Polite conversation, but not close, Ben Holladay appears to be an introvert
person. To end the conversation, Ben reminded me:
"This is the REESE"
So far, I have not answered his introduction to his son Reese.
After I had become familiar with Mr. Ben Holladay, I got to know that neglect
to introduction of his son Reese would make Mr. Ben Holladay somewhat
disappointed because how important his every child is in his heart.
Starting from the following week, I went to Ben's church. It needs to change
several rooms during the whole study. The first hour of service in the Main
Hall, I am sitting with Ben and his family. The second hour is going to
a small class for Bible study. The location for the third hour is not fixed,
sometimes in the hall, sometimes in a large room, which is for men only.
The main content is to announce the church activities, volunteer work, and
so on. Then to a small room, with some senior people to study Bible again.
I was extremely confusing for conversion of these rooms at first a few weeks.
It was quite often I did not know where to go after one mission ending.
However, when I just started confusing, Ben Holladay would appear in front
of me at a right time. Mr. Ben Holladay is a Church Executive Secretary,
and he is extremely busy, but he never once let me at the end of an activity,
found no place to go.
Mr. Ben Holladay is remarkably different from Dave Cole. Dave belongs to
the passion, impulsive feelings, love talk. Ben Holladay does not talk
too much, and feelings are not exposed. In first a few weeks, he told me
that necessary thing I have to know, such as who is Bishop, etc., but rarely
say anything else. The only thing I had repeatedly told twice is all
clergies worked at church without any paid. Unlike other clergies that are
keenly to hear from me, the church's praise or wish to be baptized, Ben
never showed this kind desire. At the first few weeks when I left the church,
he did not forget to send me to the door, and then politely asking me if
I would come next week. When I said I would come, he seemed to be fairly
A special rule for this religion is the missionary are all high-school
graduates with self expenses before they go to college. It is usually
two-years missions and could be any place in the world. One day two
missionaries of the church found me to suggest coming my house and studying
the bible with me. Mr.Ben Holladay was just next to me. He said:" why do not
come my house, I am pleased to learn together with Jian". So that each
Thursday night, I had come to Ben's house to study, which made me have more
time to contact Ben and his family.
Although there was a warm atmosphere around the study, but as learning
itself, the harvest seems not significant. Two students apparently do not
have the experience to master and control the study for older students with
knowledge of many different religions. In the study, Ben never attempted
to manage the study, but sat quietly listening. Only time I brought the issue
two minister could not answer, he would involve. Once he quietly walked
upstairs, and after a while,
he came back with a journal and gave it to the missionaries. After it has
been read, Ben exceedingly polite asked me, "Is this answered your question?"
Ben Holladay never answers questions using his own ideas, instead when
two missionary did not know how to respond, he was always intensely humble
to find verses from the Bible and other sources to answer questions. If
he could not find answers, he does not force himself answer it, or create
a hypothetical to answer it; moreover, he never argues.
Mr. Ben Holladay never stops me off topic during the study, instead; he
always listened carefully to what I am talking, as in thinking, and sometimes
even showed consent. For instance, a missionary asked if I have ever prayed
before. I told them, even I did not appear to church in so many years,
pray was one of the happiest time I had. I used to do it at mid night, and
I talk to God as a father, an elder, or a dear friend. It made me happy,
because to talk to god is such pleasant. I do not have to do any
interpretation, do not have to lie or do not have to play scheming, do not
have to watch out, because he is omnipotent and omniscient, he will not hurt
me. It is the language heart to heart, how could I find another friend like
God in the world? After I stopped, I see Mr. Ben Holladay thoughtfully,
gently repeating" do not have any explanation, Do not have to lie "seems to
agree it.
At the end of the study, if missionaries ask Mr. Ben Holladay to perform
the prayer, Ben Holladay always calls Reese, his youngest son over, and
asked him, would you be willing to help us to make a concluding pray? While
Reese praying, I saw the eyes of Mr. Ben Holladay are full of joy and love.
There may be proud.
Sometimes I feel strange myself why I did not stay long though so many
churches in my life, and finally keep in this church. I honestly thought
this issue and shared with others in Bible study. I plainly said this
perception is not derived from bible study, but mostly came from the
atmosphere of the church. I remember when I first entered the church. I was
so impressive by its strong sense of family harmony. I was a surprise where
come so many children. Almost around every parent there is a large group of
children. The second impression was that, children here are full of freedom.
They are doing own things they would like to do and do not have to see any
adult's face. Some of them are making funny faces to others, and some of
them suspended their arm from the chair for the exercise, and some of them
are reading comic books .... It is simply a Baxianguohai painting. The
lecture at stage is being constantly broken out from time to time by the
children cry, laugh, and other strange sounds. The third impression was
that everyone is a master of the church. Unlike the most other church, the
speech of pastor is loud and changing mood, the speech of bishop here is
truly humble. It is more like to do witnesses rather than lecture. Bishop
is seldom talking here. Most speech is testimony by believers. Sometimes
the address is not predetermined, whoever can get to the stage to give a
speech. Some child around five-year-old went to the stage and say one
word; I love Jesus Christ, then down the stage which made a moving scene.
The fourth feeling is about the system of home teachers. Each family has
been assigned a tutor, and each one is also another familyós tutor.
Regular visits to family assigned are tutor's responsibilities, to
understand and address family problems. I think this is an excellent
system. Any conflicts are likely to grow at each family, and these
conflicts are typically small things. A little communication could make it
gone, but if not, over time and time, it could accrue to a big problem.
I think if I would join this church earlier, the trouble between me and
Ava might not be developed to the level of divorce.
The relationships between Ben Holladay family and me become much more
closed after one bible study. Ben is my neighbor, he and his wife Wendy
knew the separation of Ava and me long time ago, but they never asked me
during bible study in past weeks. Having come a study which touched the
subject of divorce, I could not help and talked about the division of Ava
and me. Having been US twenty years, I also have been influenced by
American culture, my speaking only through the narrative of fact, rather
than the traditional Chinese efforts to describe others as evil. Ben
Holladay listened to me carefully. When I finished, he did not ask any
question and did not give any comment, he just quietly wrote something on
a piece of paper slowly. After it has done, he sincerely passed the paper
to me and said this is the list of my home member, phone, whenever need
help, contact us. I read the paper; the full name, age of Ben, his wife,
and four children have been neatly listed on paper. Also, home phone,
mobile phone, Email address are listed on paper, which carries the concern
and sympathy more than thousand of words.
Since then, Ben Holladay, in addition to his work, to take responsibility
for his four, seventeen, thirteen, eleven and four years old children, not
let me alone also been included in his consideration. He is a highly
reliable father. His children have participated in many extracurricular
activities such as the volleyball, band, and others. He was particularly
concerned about the children's education and activities. Since I have
received that his family list, I keep getting to his invitation for the
family events. Each time Ben always intensely solemnly gave me a formal
invitation and asked would I like to go with him for xxxx. I always answer
I like, then he looks truly happy, and never forgets to thank me for
my acceptation.
One day I watched a volleyball match between his daughter Jenna school with
another school. Ben
usually does not speak too much. That day in the school parking lot, he
spoke more than other times. He told me that he and his older daughter Jenna
often run a marathon, during the run he could take advantage of knowing
what advice she may need. After saying this, he kept silent about a little
while, then said I do not have much money, I do not have an expensive car.
I cannot give them too many things, that I can give them are the love. Here,
he stopped again, and continued that my family is very important to me.
Jenna did not play well at that match. She has been replaced after game
not going too long by the coach. Ben seems to be regret about it. He said
to me, Jenna is in poor health these days. So she did reach her normal level.
Afterward I have participated in many activities of his family, and once
to his daughter's concert. The concert was at the Raleigh Opera House.
I was afraid ticket is too expensive, and asked Ben, he said never-mind.
When I insisted on paying parking charges, Ben asked me if I have to do
it before I paid.
I've been invited attending a young woman meeting (twelve to eighteen years
old). That day Jenna was the music command of the stage. Young ladies come
to stage to report their achievement in return of the Church training
specifications: faith, diving nature, individual worth, knowledge, choice and
accountability, good works, integrity and virtue. After the meeting, there was
an exhibition in a spacious hall which showed the variety of works by young
ladies, which including painting, knitting, writing, crafts, toys, food,
classified by the specifications. I am particularly interested in this
training, and asked several questions. Ben kept in his mind, in two weeks I
received a series of the young lady training books in Chinese from Mr. Ben
Holladay, and he ordered it from church headquarters in Salt Lake City. There
are Chinese Bible, Chinese magazines, and John Smith's biography, etc., at my
home now, all those are gifts from Ben Holladay, and he ordered from
The relationship between Ben's family and me is getting closer and closer.
Sometimes I come back from the outside to unlock the door, I would find
Reese come to me and say Hi, Jian. When I was a surprise where he came
out, I suddenly found far from my yard, Ben, or his wife, Wendy, was waving
and smiling to me at their door.
Once I was checking my yard grass. Reese ran to me and greeted me warmly.
After a while Wendy opened the door, came up to me. She told me Reese looked
outside at the windows of his inner house, then tell her.
There is a man outside.
Is he in the door of our house, Wendy said.
No, he is at the door opposite our house.
Is he is a stranger?
Not a stranger, he is our neighbor.
Do you know him?
I know him. He is our family friend.
He is jian.
Then Reese asked Wendy's permission to go outside and say hello to me. Wendy
lets him out. This short dialogue is full of family warmth and childish
beauty, which made me immensely warm.
On Thanksgivings, Ben's family went to Philadelphia to see Ben 's mother
who lives in a nursing home. Mr. Ben Holladay has not forgotten me in his
busy travel preparation. In the Bible study, he asked me what is the plans
for Thanksgiving. I said to stay home as before. There is no plan. When
Ben feel regret himself and could not ask me dinner, John who was studying
with us that day called up:
What! A man stays in the house for Thanksgiving? Americans say it is in
hell, come to my house.
He immediately wrote down my email address, sent me his home address, phone
number and directions when he was back home.
However, the day before Thanksgiving, I received a call from John. He was
terrible sorry he has to cancel the Thanksgiving dinner, since he met an
extraordinarily unusual event at home. He sounded sad in the phone, that
he must be experienced an awful thing. I told Ben about this with worry.
Ben said :"really? " And he did not make any comment just as his usual style.
On Thanksgiving morning, I received a phone call
from Jim to invite me for dinner. At the same time, I received an Email
from him, which gave me home address and directions, I immediately thought
it must be arranged by Ben. After a moment, I received another email from
Dave. Ask me to join his home dinner if I do not have other schedules. I
felt there was some wet in my eyes when I read email of Dave. I remembered
the same period last year I stayed home alone. God did not let me extend
that way to this year, and he recalled me back to the world under his
One night of early December, Ben and me in a way home after a church
activity, I asked Ben how many days off for the Christmas. He did not answer
me quickly, silent a while, he said I cannot take a break, I need to do a
surgery. Some how I just felt this must be an odd surgery. However, I did not
know how to ask? To try, I said whether it needs to put a full sleep. He
said yes, the surgery would be arranged on 17th, and then keep a day in the
hospital for observation. If everything is fine, then he will back home on
19th. I encouraged the courage to ask what surgery it is. Meanwhile, I
turned my head toward the Ben, who was driving. To look at him, the moonlight
was shining on his left side of the face through the car glass; he looked
calm as he used to be. He said that is a kidney surgery. I donate a kidney to
my friend, Danny. He is seriously ill. He needs a strong kidney.
I was astonishing, no, was a shock about the decision Ben told me. Sinking
an enormous emotional turmoil, I did not know what feeling it was around
my mind. Was it admiration? Was it worrying? Was it a shame about myself?
Were not all of those? I seemed to see Ben's lovely wife Wendy's face, his
oldest son Garrettós face, his eldest daughter Jenna's face, his second
daughter Jocelyn's face, his lovely four year-old son Reese's face, all came
in front of me. And the car was still moving forward steadily. I said:
"Did you get your wife and children's approval for this?"
I was extremely curious why I was asking such a question. Ben said yes I
did. His face remained calm and determination in the moonlight. He added
that, Danny is my noble friend. I know him eight years. I worked with him
as volunteers. The work is highly similar to work as you did last week
to collect food for poor. Danny is a remarkably respectable person. I asked
Ben, is he in our church? He said no. He was in Cray's church. I thought
no matter whoever Danny is, no matter how good he is, it cannot diminish
my worry to Ben and his family. I thought, up to this moment, I truly and
fully realize that complete and real Ben Holladay and his family.
I have to remember that day, the December 17. I reminded myself.
On the December fifteenth night, I was invited to attend a show. Ben's wife,
son and daughter, would perform together. Wendy played the piano. Garrett
played the trombone. The daughter played the flute. I sit with Mr. Ben
Holladay. Ben looked at the stage with affectionate. His face indulged in
love and happiness. I thought of the word he told me" my family is the most
important to me in the world". I did not see any shadow of the surgery
which is two days away from him appearing on his face.
At night of the December 16, I sent an email to Ben:
"Tomorrow is a significant day for you, I pray for you"
I immediately received a response:
"Thanks Jian. It has been wonderful that having you to be part of our family
the past several weeks.
I am grateful for your friendship and your prayers.
On December 17, I have been praying for Mr. Ben Holladay all day, at ten
Pm. Wendy sent a letter to all friends who concerned about Ben, the letter
"I just wanted to let you know that Ben's surgery today went very well...
Ben is sleeping right now. I will keep you posted ...
I am so proud of him and I am amazed at his courage of helping his friend.
It has made for an incredibly amazing Christmas season for our family. "
On the 18th night, when I finished this article, I went to the window, looking
out the window. Ben's house was in a deadly dark. None of the lamps was
shinning in the window. I think, Wendy, Garrett, Jenna, Jocelyn and Reese,
must be in the hospital at this moment, gathering around his father's bedside.
Looking through the window of the adjacent house of Ben's house, a Christmas
tree with full of a variety of decorative casts was shinning. At the yard,
colorful Christmas lights are shining too, a deer which made by white light,
was dragging a car with the green light running towards the place no one
I recalled the words of Mr. Ben Holladay again "My family is most important
to me," and "Some day when I died God judges me, the first question he is
asking me must be how I treated my wife? "
After Third days of Mr. Ben Holladay's surgery (Sunday), he was back home,
and he sent me an EMAIL which said surgery was smooth, everything was going
well, but there is some problem for Danny to get adaption for the new kidney,
please pray for him.
On Wednesday night, I took a bunch of flowers and a fruit basket to visit
Mr. Ben Holladay and his family. Ben looked pale and weak.
Ben was extremely happy to see me, and he just told me Danny is much better
with his new kidney. Then he gave me a religious song book in Chinese, which
he ordered from salt city. I have not been infected with these topics he
brought, but caught in the concerns and indulge of his surgery.
I felt the family was not quite enveloped the joy of Christmas. The children
looked at me with eyes low. There seems an uncertain anxiety and stress
hiding in the air.
When I handed the flowers to Wendy, I said:
I am full of admiration for both your husband and you. You are a dedicated
Wendy tried to make a smile to me, but it slowly turned into grief, and
eventually a crying with efforts to repress sounds, this time Mr. Ben
Holladay quickly came and held Wendy's shoulder and said: you are always
with me, you always with me, with me...
Two weeks later, Mr. Ben Holladay fully recovered. As a friend of Ben's
family, I was sitting next to him and his family again. The service
arrangements for that week were random witness, which means everyone could
go to the stage to speak. After three or four testimonies, Wendy went up to
stage. She said, " I am so grateful to God for giving me such a lovely child,
give me such a noble husband." Then tear burst into her eyes ...
At this moment, Ben called Reese up and whispered something to him. Then
Reese took a bundle paper of wiping tears, running to his mother.
During whole testimony, most time Wendy was in tears, she did not say one
word about the kidney donation of her husband.